Dear Birthparent(s),

We are Jonathan, Melinda (Mindy), Jackson and Jeremiah and we live in Illinois.

But I trust in you, O Lord; I say, ‘You are my God.’ My times are in your hands.  Psalm 31:14-15

In a world where selfishness reigns and the values of human life are often expendable, we’re so thankful that you’re choosing life for your baby. We cannot fathom your journey and what has brought you here. We continue to trust God, regardless of the many twists and turns we’ve experienced. Looking back, we see how the Lord redeemed our darkest moments and answered our prayers for a family, in His timing with unexpected blessings. Our hearts have been led once again to the adoption path, as we feel our family is not yet complete. We look forward to hearing about your life and witnessing how the Lord will bless your choices.

We met the summer of 1995 and quickly became good friends as we shared classes and common interests in college. We were married in 1999, amid a raging blizzard! After 12 years of marriage, we find our friendship has only deepened with time. We operate as a team, sharing all of life’s challenges. We firmly believe that God brought us together in marriage for a purpose and we strive to make choices pleasing to Him. We’ve been married long enough to know that marriage takes work, but our unconditional commitment to one another is a source of encouragement. We also know that parenting can be challenging, but we claim God’s promises for our children. As a couple, we enjoy entertaining guests in our home, musical theatre, home improvement projects and shopping. We are avid game players and have passed that enjoyment to our boys, although they win more often than not!  Playing outside, riding bikes to Dairy Queen or a park, as well as trips to see special attractions in the city keep our lives full and interesting. We’re active in our large church on a variety of levels and are blessed to have the amazing support of Godly family and friends. Jonathan’s parents (Nana and Papa) live in town and we see Mindy’s parents (Grammy and Granddad), who live a few hours away, often. We’re so grateful for the special relationships our children have with our extended families!

Jonathan is an administrator at a Christian University. When not taking his free time to play with our boys, he enjoys technology, running, music, reading, his men’s small group and friends.

Jonathan (by Mindy) is an amazing husband and father that dotes on our family. He is a kind and gentle man of God. Jonathan is intelligent, a respected leader in his work and our church, and a devoted friend and family member. His incredible thoughtfulness has given him a loving reputation. His example to our boys insures that 2 very blessed wives will be in our son’s futures! Jonathan is often up early getting the boys started on breakfast to allow me some quiet moments before I start my day. There’s always some fun play time with Daddy that includes chasing, wrestling, tickling, hiding and tons of laughter after a full work day.  I’m so blessed to have such a wonderful man as my husband and father to our children.

Mindy graduated with a degree in music education and taught music in an elementary school for four years before becoming a stay-at-home mom, a role she was born to enjoy! She currently works part-time, mostly from home, assisting our church’s pastor of Worship Arts. In addition to loving our sons, she enjoys music, drama, her weekly women’s Bible study, friendships, and endless dreams of home projects.

Mindy (by Jonathan) is a wonderful, Godly woman. She is very talented and a strong leader, yet remains sensitive to the Lord and to those around her. I’m a better person because of her influence upon my life. Mindy is an amazing teacher and has been able to use her passion for children in our church ministries. She’s an incredible mother and she pours her heart and soul into our sons. Our home is full of love with endless hugs and kisses, laughter, and caring interactions. Mindy has created a peaceful, supportive, nurturing home environment, and thoughtfully considers her spiritual responsibility as a wife and mother. She seeks the Lord for His guidance and her deepest desire is to instill in our children a passion for God. We all seek to be obedient to His voice.

We enjoy a lot of traditions in our home, particularly around holidays. Some of our favorites include reading books, singing and praying together before bed time and lazy mornings when we all climb into Mama and Daddy’s bed cuddling, laughing and enjoying one another. Saturdays usually mean a special breakfast and the boys’ pick would always be Mama’s homemade doughnuts. Each year we celebrate “Day of Miracles” a self proclaimed holiday to honor the story of each of our children.

Miracle #1 is our adopted son Jackson, a passionate 7 year old that brings indescribable joy to our home. His innate sense of humor, his expressive exclamations and his affectionate ways are just a few of his endearing qualities.  He is confident, a fast learner, loves to be with people and has an undeniable sparkle in his eyes. We love watching him grow and pray that his heart remains sensitive to the Holy Spirit.

Miracle #2 is our son Jeremiah, who is 5 years old and a precious gift from God. He’s sweet, sensitive, and imaginative.. He loves coloring, puzzles and our swing set. It’s been amazing to see the boys play together, watch their friendship develop, and there’s no sweeter sound than their shared laughter. We’re confident that Jackson and Jeremiah will be loving big brothers to a sibling. They’re praying for and talking about a baby brother or sister. We’re all confident that the Lord will answer our prayers for miracle #3.

Our hearts have grown and stretched as we’ve learned how to better love and serve the Lord, one another and our children. We understand that our appropriate response to God’s miracles is to reflect His love as a family. So we comfort one another when we cry, we celebrate our achievements, we use trials as teachable moments, and we prepare our children to make wise choices. Their most important decision will be to follow in the steps of Jesus Christ. We believe the Lord will provide us with His wisdom, love and guidance to support our children. We also believe the Lord’s grace is with you as you selflessly support your child through adoption.

In Christ, in whom we place our trust,

Jonathan, Mindy, Jackson & Jeremiah

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